The ARACNE project (ARA Cooperation Network Experience) is co-funded by the Tuscany Region as part of the POR FESR 2014-2020 (Call 2 – Research and Development of SMEs).

The project, which will end in September 2017, aims at developing devices integrated in mobile phones and wearable Android-compliant sensors, for the monitoring of physiological parameters and environmental quality during training, especially running and cycling. The data will be sent to an innovative technology platform that will process them and will provide users, through a dedicated app, information about their performance and health status and about the healthiest locations in which to make their training activity.

ARACNE will create a community enabling the proliferation of air quality monitoring points; possible future applications could be the monitoring of risky workplaces or of employees who work in dangerous conditions such as firefighters or operators  of the civil protection.

Furthermore, miniaturization and portability of medical monitoring technology on a smartphone, a simple and familiar user device, will encourage the application of the system ARACNE in the home monitoring of patients with chronic diseases, with the effect of lightening the constraints on public and private health facilities.

The main activities of the project are:

  • Design and prototyping of medical sensors
  • Design and prototyping of environment sensors
  • Mobile app development
  • Web application development
  • Validation and standardization of the systems
  • Exploitation and industrialization plan design